Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Motivational of the Week: Round #14

Hey all, to the seven people that actually noticed the lack of posts, life caught up to me these past couple of days, thus tending to the blog took a back seat. All is well now in Motivationalizer land, so let the (De)Motivation resume, but first a sum up of last weeks voting!

IRON MAN takes no crap regardless of his form, blitzing the poll with a mind numbing 4 votes (please note the irony)!

REALITY and the YMCA have more in common than you might think, as they both rack up a still impressive 2 votes each (the ironic theme continues). Oh, and you're going to hell regardless of which you voted for (as am I, no doubt).

Lastly, BEER and RECURSION also seem to go hand in hand in my experience, trailing another 50% down with a vote each. Perhaps they should be combined to win more favor among fans.

That's it from me for now, enjoy todays triple dose of motivation, or demotivation or whatever the hell these things are anyway, and don't forget to vote. I'm out.

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